Friday, October 23, 2009

That's the Beauty of It

Week before I have this urge to get a book from the nearest bookstore which is Kinokuniya. And today without any hesitation right after completing my work in MIM-INTI institute while waiting for Sern, we both embarked straight to Kino and head towards the religion section. I felt like I just need to grab a book to read and have a feeling that God wants to speaks to me from one of the famous author.

So I did, I bumped into the book entitled Cast of Characters- Common People in the Hands of an Uncommon God by an inspiring author Max Lucado. The first chapter is about Joseph an ordinary carpenter who obeyed God when the angel called. He obeyed when Mary explained. He obeyed when God sent. He was obedient when the sky was bright. He was obedient when the sky was dark. He didnt let his confusion disrupt his obedience. He didnt know about everything but he did what he knew. He has the confident to shut down his business and gave up everything and left to another country. Why? Because that is what God said.

But what about me? As I was thinking does Joseph ever ask a single question regarding what he commanded him to? If one day God command me to speaks to a stranger about Christ will I do so without second thought?

I still remember the most significant incident in my life when God ask for my brother to be home together with Him. By then I was only 13 years old and I never ask a doubful question because my faith was so strong that I believe he will provides and he has a reason behind it. And I go around telling friends and family how much God can speaks to me through his departure to Heaven. But again if now God would have to take away someone I love so dearly, I will began to questions and probably I will never share. But I am very curious how God can actually use me to do something big for Him.

There are many questions about the Bible that you and I won;t be able to answer until we get home like Joseph. Many knotholes and snapshots. Many times I will muse and I will start to wonder. I love to do a lot of wonderings and I enjoy doing so....
Again in that chapter it says " our wonderings, there are some questions we never need to ask. Does God cares? Do we matter to God? Does he still love his children?"

Through the small face of the stable-born baby, he says YES
Yes, my sins are forgiven.
Yes, my name is written in heaven.
Yes, death had been defeated.
And yes, God has entered my world.
Immanuel. God is with me.


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