RBS-Real Buddies Support
Ruth - real doctor that does ABC health check for me
ABC health check stands for
B- Bible Based
C-Comfort Zone
Ben - neverending Leader
- good listener and a trustworthy person
Eugene - introducing Loo and J.Kam to me
- had experiences that i never gone thru before
Henry - always show me what is brotherly love
Gadiy - the annoying guy but sometimes keeps me on the happy side of the world
Tze Yang - good beaver than obeys masters demand =)
Michael Loo00 - 24 hour good listener and a warm buddy that keeps me warm all the time
Jason Kam - shelther during obstacles
To all : You guys had entered into my life, off and on you people does make an impact in my life. I just wanna take this opportunity to say a special thanks to u guys for blustering my life into a memorable moments. Truly I will cherish these moments for you people are always there for me when I'm in the deepest moment in my life. Above all I thank God for granting me the golden opportunity to attend RBS-Residential Bible School in order to have so many contacts in hands and to be able to expand from one to another to look after me. Hope to be in tune with you guys.
Labels: RBS-Real Buddies Support