Tuesday, March 6, 2007

New Semester

Wohoo! Finally I got my feet back in college. I was so unprepared for lectures.

"Ti! Ti! Ti! Ti!"-one message received from tammy,

"Woman! u wake up ady?

Eat ady? i'm in coll..N bored n alone...Sob Sob"

it was just 9.45, -_- thought I could sleep until 10. "Knock! Knock!"


After an hour

The clock shows 11:20

We decided to go for makan after such "cheongheiness" with one another sharing out our stories after gezillion years of holidays so called. Hahaha.


After makan

As i was on my way to the lecture hall, I was so unprepared and I see new faces passing by...Hmm they must be the freshy who just came in.

When we're in the lecture hall
Lectures ended very early today so we decided to lazy around in the lecture hall

Wondering what is that??Haha, it's a mr.bean best friend that has transformed into a gigantic one. We got it from our friend Jay who is a real joker who carries this baby around in college! You can store your stuff in the tummy as well as the both legs. This is so lame!!!

Jay is the 3rd from the top. This is just quarter of group C4 in advertising!

Monday, March 5, 2007

A Place To Belong

You are members of God's very own family,
citizens of God's country,
and you belong in God's household
with every other christian
Ephesians 2:19
I never fear of looking for a church and never will I fear of starting another lifestyle out of home where I have to leave my family, friends, home and my dearest church. There is always a beginning for everything and couple of months ago I am at the stage of a new beginner. Calls have been made, contacts everywhere but which church am I settling down permanently? I do not know and I thought it will be easy to find one. I am very confident that God will lead me to the right church and to backslide wasn't my option at all. I prayed about it, many things happened. Different churches have their own style of being friendly, and each churches seems to be very inviting to me, and transport provided but yet I don't feel at home. Searching for church is easy but searching for the right one aren't as easy as I expected. Friends is my first choice of settling down even when it is not convenient for me. Expecting there will be great fellowship clinging with friends rather than to start everything new including friends. But I was totally wrong, I always wanted to go my way and I thought being independant will last me forever. At that period of time I see life from my own point of view, not God's point of view, putting words in God's mouth and expecting that it is God's will. I never want to be patient to wait for his answer but to be smart enough to set up my own conclusion.
"Do not conform yourselves to the standards
of this world but let God transform
you inwardly by the complete
change of your mind.Then you will
be able to know the will of
I felt miserable and at the same time I'm very reluctant to really seek God in prayer. As I meditate on his word, I began to realize I'm way behind compared to others. It has never been a success to fulfill my resolution it's to be close to God. Finally one day I decided to surrender my hearts and commit everything unto his hands. God never fails me, at the deepest moment of seeking the truth he pointed to me "matthew 7", assigned Vincent to advice me, send people to make me realize the importance of commitment and placing God as my first priority. At first when the Lord asked me to choose between friends and him, I would keep quiet for I hesitate myself of deciding. As I continue to seek him in prayer and as friends pray for me and with me. I decided to join a church where I can serve, a church that needs me more, convenience first and a church I feel comfortable serving in. This very day as I reflect back to those days I've tasted was unpredictable. I felt so blessed to have real good christian friends to keep me accountable now and always, pray with me all the time, pray for me on the spot without hesitation, study the word of God and always make me feel at home. Being part of Melawati Gospel Church is my blessing.
I always have the thinking of quantity matter the most in order to grow without strong Bible base but frankly speaking quantity doesn't matter but what matters is the heart that counts. Although the congregation in this church are less compared to some churches in KL but I really enjoy with these small amount of people for I can get to know each of them better with true friendship than having a humongous list of friends where I barely could remember their names. -no offence- Big city, are filled with complicated people who has a complicated mind that counts your disabilities but small city are filled with simple minded people that cherish and treasure fellowship with Bible base.
This is a church where I feel belonged and I really enjoy the company of these people have provided for me. I feel very blessed to have them in my life. I am no longer fear of being alone.
Special thanks to Uncle KK, aunty MM
and Sarah.
They are the people who showed me the new
color of life.
How wonderful it is,
how pleasant for God's
people live together in harmony!
Psalms 133:1 (tev)


Sunday, March 4, 2007

When HE appears to be M.I.A

As I gaze into my journal flipping one page unto another, suddenly the date got my attention from 4th Feb to 28th Feb. From then on I began to reason out why I am not motivated at all to write letter to God at that period of time? Does it means that I don't have enough inspiration to fellowship with God besides attending church.
I was very reluctant and rebellious at that moment of time to write letter to God informing him what has really happened to me everyday. To be straight forward, basically I am just taking God for granted knowing well that God is smart enough and well known that he knows everything before informing him. In fact, I am just too hectic with my daily routine that I neglected God. Sometimes I even kick off my journal because I am just too restless to pick up a pen to start writing but rather pray to God until I fall asleep. Sometimes I even rush off my prayer just to get my job done. Generally speaking, I didn't like these feelings. I know whenever I am attended to these circumstances I have wondered very far away from God. That's when I decided to approach my favourite book that will inspire me, 'Purpose Driven Life'.
There are times when God appears to be MIA- missing in action, in my life. Multiple times I've been facing problems waking up at one beautiful morning and all my spiritual feelings are GONE! I pray, nothing happens. I meditate on God's word, nothing changes. I pray with friends, still nothing happens. Sometimes I really wonder how long will this spiritual gloom will last me? Well the truth is, it is a normal part of testing and maturing my friendship with God instead of smooth flow all the time. It is painful and discouraging, but knowing that it is an absolute vital developement of my faith. It is all about exercising my spiritual faith. It is always easy when things seems to go my way and when things are going great in my life-when he provides shelther, food, friends, family, wealth, health, sufficient resources to survive, and a happy life without worries. But circumstances are not always pleasant. The deepest moment to worship God is in spite of pain, praising God and thanking him for all the trials, trusting him when I am tempted, surrendering to him while at the same time I am suffering, having faith in him and loving him when he seems a million miles away.
One thing for sure and the book of the truth is always comforting to me no matter where I am. God is real, I know because he gave me a lot of confirming emotions when I am a baby Christian and very often he answers my immature, self-centered prayers- so I will know that he exists in my walk in Him. But as I grow older, and to grow in faith, he weans me of those dependencies but one thing I cannot doubt is " God is real, no matter where I go"
"For God has said, 'I will never leave you;
I will never abandon you."
Hebrews 13:5
